Besides enduring torture treatment from Jack Bower, running 26.2 miles could possibly be the most painful thing to do to your body. I was prepared for the chaffing and the pounding that results in blisters and bloody nipples. I was ready to be dehydrated. What i was not ready for was the mental and emotional exhaustion that slammed into me around mile 23. The thought of going 3.2 more miles became emotionally devastating. During our training runs, a 3 miler would be completed in 25 minutes with barely a sweat broken. Now it seemed an impossible distance.
Somehow Jess and I were able to finish. For her account of the race check out her blog (Jess Blog). At the finish line, a wave of emotion flooded through me. It was amazing to me that i was able to complete something that less than .1% of Americans have ever done. I quickly moved on to help Jess into the medical tent and then to the food tent to guzzle down delicious bagels and oreos.
In the hotel after it was all over, i laid on the bed barely able to move. In between complaining about soreness and pain, we discussed the high and low points of the race. Within a few minutes our conversation turned to discussions of upcoming races. I am proud to admit that i have already signed up for the Disney Marathon and am in the pool for the New York Marathon. Thanks Jess for getting me hooked.