Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Florida is on Fire!

Our track meet today was rescheduled today due to inclement weather. Where I grew up (Rochester, NY) this would mean a snow or ice storm. Here in Florida I already have had school days cancelled due to hurricanes. Now I have something new to worry about. Brush fires in northern Florida are burning so intensely that prevailing winds have carried soot, ash and black smoke over 400 miles away to . There are health advisories warning young people and the elderly to stay indoors today.

Now, i know that some of the native Florida plants are supposed to burn periodically and that these fires are not all that bad for the environment. However, the fact that i cannot go outside today because the sky has turned black with smoke is ridiculous! Rochester, NY is certainly not renown for its great weather. That being said, Rochesterians do not worry about their houses being blown away in a hurricane or burned down by brush fires. Sunshine is great and all, but it seems that day after day of clear skies not only leaves the land parched and prone to burn, but also fries the brains of some of the long-term residents.

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