PB Wiki
A teacher I work with had a great idea that i will let everyone know about. She built a Wiki for her class. A Wiki is kind of like a traditional web page, however, it can be edited by anyone who has the password. This helps to foster communication between the teacher, students and their parents. The PB Wiki that Timmon's created is easy to edit, simple to use and contains a wealth of information.
I have heard that imitation is one of the best forms of flattery. Well, I hope that Timmons is flattered because I will absolutely be stealing her idea of using a Wiki for my class as well. I am excited to keep the students of my parents up to date with the happenings of my classroom. This page will also serve as a kind of evolving syllabus for my class, as my students and I work together to shape my curriculum.
For a look at what I am talking about, click HERE
Are you like those orchids that try to mimic insects? :)
It is flattering, you know...
Ewww, cool. I want to play, too!
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