The school year is starting in less than two weeks which means lots of time spent at my desk coming up with lesson plans, classroom procedures and student schedules. This type of work usually is pretty tedious and is usually about as fun as helping my father clean rocks in the back yard. To make my day more enjoyable, I normally will listen to CD's. I have two that I rotate, MA$E and Puff Daddy and the Family. These are the last CD's that I bought back in Junior High School. They are getting pretty scratched up and tend to skip during the best parts of the songs. This leads to frustration and I end up getting little work done.
I was telling a friend of mine about my predicament and she directed me to an amazing website. Internet radio is nothing new, but most of the stations that are broadcast online are usually done so from a creepy 35 year old working from his parent's basement.
At last there is a solution. Pandora.com provides music that is selected according to your preferences. Each song that is played can be rated and then similar tracks will be played from obscure artists. Each user creates their own profile with personailized radio stations. If you have access to the internet during the day and would like to listen to something other than Micheal McDonald, check out Pandora.
It's good to hear that Ma$e and Puff Daddy and The Family can still be heard in middle schools (like back in my day) - even if it is coming from the teacher's cd player!
"...but most of the stations that are broadcast online are usually done so from a creepy 35 year old working from his parent's basement."
Let's leave the 'creepy' comments to those a touch older than 35...Besides, we're not all basement weirdos...I mean, we don't even HAVE basements in Florida...
Rock on old school listener!
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