Thursday, November 1, 2007

NYC Marathon

I leave tomorrow morning to run in the New York City Marathon! I have been training diligently since I found out that I was admitted via the Lottery. The weather appears like it should be favorable and I hope to finish with a decent time. I will be sure to post my results and opinions about the race in the days following the event.

Over 110,000 people tried to get into this marathon, and I am one of the lucky 38,000 that will have the opportunity to run this race. I hope that I do not let down my friends and family who will be watching and that I can finish strong.

Updates will be posted soon!

1 comment:

KimmyUGA said...

Is the Jay Simoni that my friends and I met on the Carnival Cruise our senior year of college? If so, this is Kim Williams... I'd love to hear from you and see how you're doing! Drop me a line...
or or you can just "return comment" I suppose :)

I hope to hear from you soon!