I apologize to the few people who actually read this blog on occasion, as I have not done much to keep your interest levels up. The past month has been quite turbulent as far as my work and social life goes, plus the weeks before Christmas break are always crazy at school. This is of course not a good excuse since I actually still have been doing some writing.
Some of you may remember Don Lapre, the "nutritionist" who enthusiastically told late night television viewers how he made "millions of dollars from his one-bedroom apartment by placing tiny ads in newspapers around the country." Well, my scheme does not really sink to that level of desperation but it is not much better.
If you have used the Internet in the past few months, you may have noticed that there is an abundance of advertisements strategically placed on many websites. These ads provide revenue for the owner of the website each time they are clicked on. The amount of money is determined the type of advertisement and if the click results in a sale for the advertiser.
As a young college graduate with limited wisdom on the workings of the world, there are unfortunately a limited number of topics that I can provide advice about. The one topic that I do know quite a lot about is obtaining funding for college. I had to take out student loans for both undergraduate and graduate school. As a result of the research I did, I believe I can provide somewhat sound advice for students attempting to pay for their education. The best part of my idea is that the advertisements that I have placed on my website are quite lucrative.
Now that you have taken the time to read this post, please be sure to check out the sound financial advice on my Student Loan Advice website! Perhaps you will even help me pay off my own loans by visiting some of the advertisers on my website. Hopefully you will see me some day talking about how I made millions from my one bedroom apartment by placing tiny advertisements on websites all over the Internet.
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