Not really sure about this one. I was speaking with a friend recently about my new found enthusiasm for running marathons. I just completed my first in Atlanta, Georgia and have signed up for two more this year. My friend was concerned that perhaps these long runs may be causing permanent damage to my body. I spent a few hours and was able to find many websites that discuss how marathons can be harmful and little that says they can be healthy. Check out these two:
Marathons = Bad
Running = Good
I am interested to hear from anyone that has run multiple marathons during their life. I do not believe there has been much research done on the effects of running 26.2 miles years after this feat has been accomplished.
It is slightly concerning especially considering the first person to run a "Marathon," Pheidippides, collapsed and died after he ran from the fields of Marathon to Athens, Greece.
Updated! Click HERE
Hey Simoni, Newell here :)
Excellent blog. To comment on your question in regards to marathons (or really any long distance running) I offer the following: if someone has a pre-existing condition , known or otherwise, running clearly won't help. Case in point: my Dad's bum knee.He ran on and through for years, but eventually had to quit.I do think ,however, that if one does undertake such an incredible physical challenge, they must be extremely mindful to keep their machine running in pristine order or run the risk of injury or worse. Get plenty of sleep, eat correctly, change shoes etc. If done right (assuming one is healthy)I think running is the best stuff around...just signed up for Disney (the half, mind you..that is my favorite!)
Thanks for the comment sarah. I have been doing more reading, and have found more than one medical study that observed the human body as it operated under high levels of stress. (i.e. marathons) The studies found that there was evidence of permanent damage done to the brain, heart and lymphatic system. I am interested to hear if any former marathon runners now have problems in the aformentioned areas.
I ran 5 marathons in a 2 year period about 2 years ago. I have found that when I train properly my body responds well. It's when you increase the mileage too quickly and don't train properly that their are problems.
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